The Arts Alliance is hosting a free program called Wills for the Arts for employees of arts organization and artists. You will be able to get a fully executed simple Will, Power of Attorney, and Advance Medical Directive documents with lawyer consultation free of charge. In the post-Covid-19 environment, we have modified our process for you to sign your documents.
Step 1 – Fill out the questionnaire at artsallianceva.org/services
Step 2 – Email the completed questionnaire to Shane Smith at [email protected] by close of business on Feb 14
Step 3 – A volunteer lawyer will contact you by email and set up a time to talk to you about your Will, Power of Attorney, and Advance Medical Directive wishes, if needed, and finalize the documents you want for your signature. You should reference the Arts Org you work for during this discussion.
Step 4 – Come to the offices of Williams Mullen (999 Waterside Drive, Suite 1700, in Norfolk) on Mar 21 at your designated time to sign your documents and take them home with you This service is available to all non-profit arts employees and individual artists that do not own their own business. We will be doing these on a first-come, first-serve basis. Space is very limited.
If you have any questions, please contact 757-383-6047 or [email protected]