Presented by Inspire Collaborative
Brontë is the third installment in Polly Teale’s exploration into the lives of the Brontë sisters. It was first produced in 2003 by Shared Experience, and revived by the same company in 2010 at the Watermill Theatre, in Newbury.
The play opens with three actresses discussing the Brontë sisters, slowly putting on the clothing and personalities of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. In a non-linear timeline, they reveal the moments that influenced their gothic classics. The events of the play take place over many years, recounting the fall of their brother Branwell, the undying faith of their father Patrick, and the small influences of the other men who inspired the heroes and villains of their novels. It is a story of desire, passion, jealousy, and the struggle between what we want most and what we know we must be.