THE Z OPEN MICS: The Undiscovered

Dust off your sheet music, warm up those vocal chords, and step into the spotlight! Join your fellow musical theater enthusiasts for a night of songs from The Great White […]

THE Z OPEN MICS: The Undiscovered

Dust off your sheet music, warm up those vocal chords, and step into the spotlight! Join your fellow musical theater enthusiasts for a night of songs from The Great White […]

The Undiscovered: Backwards Broadway Cabaret

The Undiscovered presents a one-night only cabaret of Broadway… backwards! Featuring performers singing the roles they always wanted, but could never be cast in and culminating in a Broadway Jam […]

THE Z OPEN MICS: The Z Unplugged

Calling all singers, songwriters, and musicians! This is your opportunity to take the mic. Test out a new original song or share your favorite cover. It’s up to you. The […]

The Word: A Spoken Word Open Mic

The Word welcomes diverse voices and fans of poetry, spoken word, and all forms of storytelling. Share a poem, read a story, or even tell a joke. Take the stage […]