VCA Launches Arts New License Plate!
January 01, 1970
The Virginia Commission for the Arts is excited to launch the redesigned license plate for the arts! On Friday, January 19, with the studio of VCA-grantee Charlottesville Ballet as the backdrop, the VCA announced the license plate and its availability through both local DMVs throughout the Commonwealth and the DMV website.
The plate – with its new colorful design – supports the state’s vibrant arts community. A majority of the fees for each Virginians for the Arts plate goes directly to the VCA and our grants are designated for artists and arts organizations.
By registering for the license plate, citizens support visual arts, performing arts, literary arts and more that inspire, connect, and educate all Virginians.
Register or Renew with the DMV!
Interested in supporting the VCA and raising grant dollars through the license plate? Sample social media posts, arts license plate slides, and an arts license plate poster are available on our website!
The VCA also has printed 18×24 posters for the promotion of the license plate. Click the link below to share how many and where to send them!
Request Free Posters
License Plate Resources and Information