give  and get
A Motown Christmas-BLK
UWCC poster 2023

#MeetMeAtTheZ for the season of giving - and getting!

Donate to GIVE tickets to our Z Ticket Bank and GET UP TO TWO tickets for you to attend any of our holiday performances!

The Z Ticket Bank provides free tickets to individuals and community organizations in need, inspiring creativity through access to a professional performance. Giving is easy this Holiday season!

1. Select your "GIVE" amount:

Give & Get up to 2 tickets to the Holiday Shows at The Z-or share the spirit of giving and donate all tickets to The Z Ticket Bank!

2. Select your "GET" show:

Pick up to 2 shows to attend with you Give & Get Tickets:

3. Radiate with holiday cheer!

Your support of the arts directly allows underserved communities the opportunity to experience creativity and the arts!